Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Make a wish....

Since today I am a quarter of a century old….I would have 25 candles on my cake. This means I have 25 wishes, which I listed below in no particular order (Please abstain from any comments on my wishes being selfish or self-serving….It is my birthday and I will wish what I want too!).

  1. World Peace (See I am not totally self centered)

  2. For perfect, shampoo commercial hair

  3. For the hair on my legs to cease and assist (aka fall out and never return)

  4. A deodorant that really works ALL day and really DOES NOT leave white streaks all over my clothing.

  5. Comfortable, fashionable AND affordable shoes

  6. A dryer that dries and then folds and/or hangs clothes.

  7. A cure for cancer, AIDS, and stretch marks (okay, okay, I was just making sure you were paying attention. A cure for cancer and AIDS.)

  8. Men could get pregnant, have babies, and breast feed. Then I could say, “Your vacation, oh, I mean your maternity leave” and they would know what true homicidal rage feels like.

  9. A house that self cleans. You know, kind of like a self cleaning oven, but for the whole house.

  10. A mute button for people (this includes children and infants).

  11. The ability to fly

  12. For women to not be afraid of their bodies, regardless of its size, we are all beautiful!

  13. For my children to lead happy and prosperous lives.

  14. For my boobs to return to their pre-pregnancy position instead of continuing their descent to my knees.

  15. Calorie free, fat free, good for you, Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Ice Cream

  16. A driver, there is so much I could do on my commute if I did not have to worry about driving.

  17. A dishwasher that would load itself, wash the dishes and unload itself.

  18. A Starbucks in my kitchen, or at the very least a daily delivery service

  19. Stiffer legal penalties (maybe involving unconstitutional torture) for sexual abuse against children.

  20. An annual, national conference for Maya’s Mom, in which an Airline decides to donate tickets (it being such a worthy cause), a hotel decides to jump on a band wagon and dole out a free stay to all attendees, and to top it off spa’s compete to offer their free services. Now if you could only find a reliable babysitter!

  21. To save enough money so my kids do not have to take out student loans for college.

  22. That any parent who has ever lost a child has at least one moment of pure joy today.

  23. For flawless skin, no more creams, peels, or ointments. Just naturally perfect skin.

  24. Mandatory PAID maternity leave for a minimum of 9 months to a maximum of 18 months for all mothers and up to 6 months PAID paternity leave for Daddies!!!!!!

  25. That I never forget how lucky I am, to have a great husband whom I love and respect, to have a beautiful and intelligent daughter and a baby on the way. To always remain humble, and keep my sense of humor. And to live everyday like it may be my last!

Please do not tell anyone or they will not come true.

Monday, April 16, 2007

A sad day....

Today I can not post as a Domestic Darlin. Today I must post as a mom and only a mom.


For all those in Virgina who lost their lives today, for all the parents who lost a child, for all the friends and family who lost a loved one. You are in my prayers. I will not forget today. I will never forget the rage that came over me initally and then the fear, panic, and grief that followed.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Breakfast on the Go, hold the guilt

In this episode of I heart Wednesday I would like to introduce the non-familiar with Special K's Breakfast Bars. For 90 calories you can fill up on this tasty (sweet) treat in the car or on the go.
I love them! I love them! I love them!

The Pink-Eye Epidemic is Over......Finally!

My Darling Little Daughter has been battling conjunctivitis (aka Pinkeye) for about a week. It did not affect her much except in the mornings when the crud would seal her eyes shut and I would have to pick the eye-boogers off so she could open them. The Doctor gave us some drops and the daycare but her in quarantine. (My sitter told me that after administering the drops for 24 hours Mini would no longer be contagious. This leads me to believe that Mini probably got pinkeye from one of the snot nosed kids at day care).

I moved sanitation measures in the house to levels that would shock the Broad of Health. Anti-bacterial soap was everywhere, we bathed in it, we ate it, we loved it. By the weekend, Mini had a little gunk in her eye and would occasionally itch her eye but I was expecting a full recovery. Everything was packed and ready to go in anticipation of Monday morning but there was something I could not have prepared for that plagued the Domestic Darlin's House for DAYS...

At around 2:30am on Monday morning I was rustled out of a coma by my husband. He was not laying in bed next to me where I had left him before I went to sleep, but standing next to the bed hoovering over me much like a small child.

"Does it look like I have Pink Eye?" he demanded. Well considering we were in a pitch black room and just moments before I was making out with Johnny Depp on a Pirate Ship, I spat him some foul retort rolled over and prayed that God would let me resume the dream where I had left off.

By 5 am, with Hubby snoring next to me, I figured he had decided to call in sick to work. I got up, got pretty and was headed out the door when I hear "Darlin, do you want me to get the baby ready for you?" Like he was doing ME a favor. I guess I had stupidly assumed that since he felt the need to stay home due to his "condition" he would at least keep the baby home too (as so I would not have to drive her 15 minutes to her daycare as well as transport her home). Hubby informed me that there was NO way he could stay home with her because he was "Visually Impaired" due to the Pinkeye.

He called the doctor and went on and on about the sheer misery he was in. I really believe it may have been touch and go for a while there. He held it together like a true man (wink!). Well as day two rolled around I assumed he would surely go into work. He did not even take off 2 days for his own grandfather's funeral. Hubby informed me that due to his "highly contagious" infliction there was no way he could "expose" all of his agents to the conjunctivitis. I informed him that if he was taking another day off he was keeping the little one. They had a lovely morning together and then my work phone started a ringing. Apparently the pinkeye had "gotten the best of him" and he was unable to "properly care for my kid" (please note he is the babies father...he uses the term my in these types of situations). So I had to rush home from work to play Florance Nightingale for my husband.

Upon arrival, he was huddled in the bed as if he had the flu, or mad-cow; so I took my precious angel and started cleaning the house. After a while I decided a snowball/swinging trip may be in order. I announced my plans, and just as Lazarus rose from the dead my husband was miraculously cured of the horrid conjunctivitis by the promise of a sweet treat. They really never do grow up.

When my 13 month old daughter had pink eye her condition was one pink eye, the side effect of her condition were extra eye boogers.

When my husband had pink eye his condition was Conjunctivitis, the side effects were headache, nausea, loss of appetite (except for the 7 lbs of crawfish he some how managed to "keep down") excessive whining, flu-like aches, exhaustion, irritability, visual distortions, bipolar disorder and severe PMS.

After a day home with our precious angel Hubby was off to work by 4 am this morning. I am glad the whole epidemic is behind us and no one was seriously injured (although Hubby is sporting a bruise from when he tried to compare his "Pinkeye" condition with my "Pregnancy Woes". I had to punish him and in that situation violence was the ONLY alternative).

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Naked Babies, everywhere but mine is fully clothed.

Over the weekend my mother, my daughter and myself went to a lovely little Easter Craft Fair at a neighborhood park. This park is a favorite among local kids because of the water feature it houses for tons of family fun. As you can see from the pictures below, water shoots up from the ground at random intervals.

Well on Saturday the park was packed and there were at least 30 children, from infant to still cool enough to run around in a swim suit with little kids, crowded on the water feature. We stopped for a while to watch the kids play. My little one watched in amazement at the kids running around and screaming with delight. As we watched the children play I spotted a little girl running towards us. She stopped right in front of our stroller and quickly disrobed. She turned and ran back into the water spouts in nothing but her little panties, leaving her shorts and shirt abandoned on the sidelines. I watched her shriek with satisfaction for her her found freedom. Then I watched as she decided it would be in her best interest to go full monty. That's right she ran out of the spouts and tossed her underwear and ran totally naked and carefree back into the water. I guess this would be a good time to mention the little girl was maybe 4, but probably only 3. I scanned the crowd looking for a disgruntled parent, or at least an overly amused parent looking for their camera before becoming disgruntled. Nothing.

Then I saw her, it had taken the jay-bird's mother a little while to respond because she had to get her youngest child (maybe 10 mths) out of the stroller. With little baby on hip the mother headed toward the sprinkler, as she neared the jay-bird the naked little girl did what any little naked girl would do in the same situation and ran. Jay-bird dodged in and out of the water spout squealing with glee as she looked over her shoulder to see her mother chasing her while getting soaking wet. By the time the Jay-bird was dressed and back in the sprinkler with clothes on, the mother and the baby were drenched. I think I laughed more then was appropriate but it is one of those little parts of motherhood that nobody every prepares you for.